Monday, July 4, 2011

Volcano Is A Cool Word. Just Sayin'.

I finally have internet here in my house which makes me feel like the 20 dollar flash drive I bought seem like a waste. Especially considering it has a tiny memory.

Saturday we woke up early to ride in a bathroom-equipped tour bus for four hours. Had it not been pee ready, I would have been significantly more upset about the fact. We were heading in the up direction that took us on a mountain. Every so often the conversation (which consisted of us bitching and complaining about our Tika misfortunes) would slow and I would find myself gazing out the window. Mostly I saw poor people and farms. Every once in a while, I’d see a goat or a puppy and exclaim, “Hi, puppy!” but only when I saw the dog, not so much the horned beast. This trip is taking us to a volcano named Arenal. I don’t know many facts about the volcano otherwise I’d throw some out. What I do know is that it looks exactly as one would assume a volcano to look like, which does not always happen. If one were to Google image search the word “Arenal,” one would be pleasantly bombarded with images of a beautiful, tropical wonder. Do it.

Because the volcano is currently inactive, we went to a nearby resort called Tabacon. You can image search that too and be really jealous. Do it. After doing so, one can basically just imagine how much fun that was.

The weekend excursions were limited this past Sunday and we were to do our own thing. Being short on cash and a little more frugal than I’ve been, I joined a few friends who were heading to a beach that was about four dollars away. I don’t remember the name of the beach, but it was shit. And two of my friends got robbed. One lost her eight hundred dollar camera that was purchased solely for this trip, and the other lost her entire bag. It contained things such as her wallet (card included—that was a fun time trying to cancel it from the beach), her camera, and the clothes she planned to wear on top of her swimming suit. All bullshit things aside, I bought a few souvenirs and got a little drunk from my Gogogadget-flask. I know I say “Best. Idea (Invention). Ever.” A lot, but sometimes you just cannot go without saying it.

I miss people more that I lead on. I miss my friends, and I miss my family. I miss fireworks and I miss being in Utah. I really hope everyone is doing well and still having fun without me. I know it is a difficult task, but being without you isn’t exactly easy either. I love you all. Keep me updated and keep reading my updates.

Derek! ;D

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