Monday, October 1, 2012

Holiday Hooty Whaty?

Until this year, I've always enjoyed school. It has been challenging, but I got shit done. This year, however, I am so over this shit. I have never considered dropping out as seriously as I am right now. I have absolutely no motivation to do my homework. I don't like several of my classes, two of which are online. And I am already 20+ essays behind.

All I ever do is complain. I wish so hard that I could fix that about me, but when I start to, I just complain about how hard it is. I also wish that I was able to focus long enough to get something done. Now more than ever I am distracted by what is "THE INTERNET." Warn your children now, that shit is zombifying.

I think I have ADHD. I know that is just an excuse for why a student isn't doing well, or a scapegoat for idiocy... But I really think I have it. I refuse to believe I am dumb. Although sometimes I suspect it. I also suspect that this problem could easily be cured by an attention span that I don't have. I just want someone else's mind: I'm sick of my own.

I have a test today. I really should have studied for it yesterday, but as it was Sunday and ample time for doing such activities, I did nothing (all day) instead. Literally. I just sat, did nothing, and complained in my head as to why I was doing absolutely nothing. I looked at my homework list... But ultimately, it was boring, so I did nothing instead.

All of my classes suck. Except one, but I suck at it. I haven't done any of the reading, I haven't done any of the work. I do show up everyday, though... That's got to count for something. Even now I wish I were on FB knowing that FB has nothing new that I didn't see four minutes ago. MYBRAIN.

I will get diagnosed, and I will get medication, and I will do my fucking homework. I have to, otherwise I might as well get used to minimum wage.

Also, a shark.

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