Tuesday, July 3, 2012

As It Were.

I've always known myself to be a little irrational in situations. I get frustrated when waiting, and I am not generally a very patient person. The truth of the matter is I had it all. I loved my life. A great family, a really good education, amazing friends... I still have those things, but I did lose someone very important to me. Not by death or anything as permanent, but through a break up. He initially stated that he wanted a break, but through a string of flaws in this break (lack of communication, no ground rules, no knowledge of anything at all, etc.) the only thing he broke was my heart.

For some time I kept the illusion fresh in my head that one day soon he would come out of the idiot coma and see that I was madly in love with him. In reality, however, love isn't real for those that don't try. After so long of not being with him, I got impatient and I started pushing for answers. He didn't respond right away, instead I had to force out of him that he has no idea what he's doing. That's fine, people are allowed life crises. But when I'm on the other end, looking for that "light" at the end of the tunnel, something needs to change.

I could not just waste my summer away feeling like I could fix something. I knew this long before he said it. Actually, his exact words were, "I hate that I've become your summer." Here's the things about you, J.a.10, you're really cool. Like really really cool, but if you didn't try so hard to be so, it's almost as if you're nothing. So please try and understand that when you excuse yourself from my life completely, safe for the occasional one word text in response to me letting my heart out, you stop being so cool. You are NOT my summer. No one is, no one ever will be. You could have been part of it, but you chose not to be.

I wish you all the happiness in the world, but I wish everyone that luxury. Being unhappy sounds depressing. Let the record show that if you break my heart for a month without giving a meaningful apology, I will get angry and say mean things.

Let us take this moment to look at my future.

I do not deserve:

1. A child for a companion. A certain level of emotional maturity is required for my dating privileges.

2. Someone that is not willing to commit to the things they tell me. If one first says onelove me, stand by that statement. And maybe have some cheese in one's hand.

3. A liar. Do not tell me you're going to do something and procrastinate. That kind of behavior is not acceptable when someones heart is on the line.

4. Someone I cannot trust. "Trust that I love you." Bull shit, if you loved me you would have come to me with said problem and we could have faced it together. You betrayed me.

5. Someone who is too afraid to hold my hand. Man up. We live in a very forgiving society. Sometimes you just have to say to yourself, Bitches ain't shit. Be who you are, un-apologetically.

6. A mute. Use your words, especially with those you care about.

7. A force feeder. If I tell you I don't want a candy, do not buy me a candy. Beside that fact that I really don't want it, I will not eat it because you refused to listen to me.

8. Someone who doesn't know the difference between then and than. Take an interest in proper English. Only then will you learn the proper usage of the word than. (Please forgive all misspelled words and grammar mistakes: this is written out of anger.)

and finally,

9. Someone who dares leave me alone. I am a very loyal person and would NEVER stray, but if you are ok with taking that chance, then you have a lot to learn.

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