Sunday, August 15, 2010

Floating On By.

I think too much.

More importantly, I think too much of myself.

I doubt anyone else thinks so much of me, and yet, I find that people always ask for my advice. While the possibility of my ears being the closest in range is likely, I always let myself think that it is because I know best. Why?

What makes me the expert? Who the fuck am I to tell you how to live your life?

Yes, I do think that I live my life to standards that a lot of people should follow, but, as I was saying, that is just something I do. The key word was THINK. I THINK. I think too much. I think too much of myself.

Given the knowledge I have based on the experiences I've taken part in, I can tell what I know. However, I throw in my opinion on situations that I have absolutely no personal connection, empathy, or experience in. Why must I do that? I'll tell you why, but you're not going to love the answer. It is because I am always right. I can always give out the best advice while standing as a completely third party member with absolutely no personal interest in the matter. It is easy to be your guide.

It is, however, less than easy to guide myself. I have found, for the most part, who I am and who I want to be. But that isn't because I have made the decisions I would advice, but rather the opposite. Chronologically, I advise based on the decisions I've made. I know, now, how to deal with problems because I've faced them before.

I guess the only thing left to say is.... Well, prove me wrong. Or right. Or just show me that I should stay out of peoples business and just nod politely. I can nod. I am good at that.

Throw your best, life, and see how we end up.

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